The Well
The weekend Liturgies of the Eucharist are the fonts from which the whole community draws catechesis. The Well is a whole community catechesis program being implemented at the St. John Paul II Parish. It is a means to augment, enhance and develop both adult and youth faith formation. This will be accomplished through large group intergenerational, event centered, learning experiences. Interested households gather to share faith, ideas, and fellowship while participating in interactive faith based activities.
As adults our faith grows, evolves and is challenged based upon our life experiences. Education in our Catholic faith should not end with Confirmation. Rather, as a sacrament of initiation it is the beginning of our adult life in the Church and as such, we must nurture our faith. This can be accomplished in many ways including structured programs, prayer groups and Well events.
Youth faith formation is a commonly accepted practice and viewed as a necessity by most parishioners. Traditionally, youth faith formation has taken place in small group structured settings. However, due to many factors new ways to provide faith based education have become necessary. Parents, families and the larger parish family all share a responsibility to assist and guide our children as they grow in their faith.
Adults, adolescents, and children, participating as households are welcomed to The Well events. Households are comprised of adults with young children, adults with adolescent children, adults without children, older adults, single adults - EVERYONE! Each participant in an event is both a teacher and a learner and can contribute equally to the process. Effective listening and an open mind are key tools in the success of any Well event.
Well events provide an opportunity for fellowship as we gather at table to share a meal, all ages learning experiences through the use of prayer, music, skits, discussion, crafts, stories, etc and finally an opportunity for sharing and discussion. Participants learn together through the sharing of ideas, opinions, and questions in small group and large group activities. Any learning done in the small group is then shared with the larger group. Adults and children learn with and from one another.
Well events will be an addition to and an option to traditional faith formation education in our parish, as well as continue to provide another vehicle to deliver the Gospel message to all parishioners. This year events will be held six times throughout the calendar year. Please download "The Well" registration form from our registration page.